Our Accredited Offer
Our accredited training courses enable those wish to develop a career in the early years workforce to develop the essential knowledge and skills required to gain the necessary qualifications required to fulfill their roles in the sector.
We offer training and opportunities across the following main areas:
Childcare training from level 2 to level 4
Assessor training
Management and Leadership training
Consultancy services

Accredited Childcare Training Programmes
We offer accredited childcare training for from Level 2 to Level 4. Our training is specifically designed for those who do not wish to take an apprenticeship route, for example, those who are already qualified in another discipline at Level 3 and above. Our programmes very much meet the needs of those who are changing careers.
Assessing Practice
We offer accredited training for those wishing to progress into the assessment of practice. Those wishing to take this very rewarding journey will be able to select from understanding the principles of assessment to assessing practice in the setting, and finally to assessing vocational achievement.